Please check Facebook or Instagram for additional news, cancellations, important dates etc.
Recital Costume Balances: ALL RECITAL COSTUMES HAVE A BALANCE! Tuition must be current and costume balances paid in full before the students can take costumes home. Costume balances are due by Thursday, February 6th.
Parents observation: We will be having Parents Observation the first week in March ( March 3 – March 6)
Parents are invited to come watch their childs dance class!
​Monday, February 17th (President’s Day): The studio will be open and classes will be held as normal.
Tuition Payments: If you pay tuition by Plan 2-Half year payment plan, your 2nd (and final) payment is due the first week of February. If you pay tuition by Plan 3-3 Installments plan, your 3rd (and final) payment is due the first week in March.